The Optimistic Investor
The Optimistic Investor takes the often dry and uncomfortable discussion of money, investing, and retirement planning and makes it palatable, interesting, and relevant. Sponsored by InTrack Investment Management with offices in Burlington and Norwich, Vermont.
The Optimistic Investor
Earth Day 2022
InTrack Investment Management
Season 1
Episode 12
April 22, 2022, marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day!
In celebration of this, InTrack's Managing Partner, Myron R. Sopher, and Partner & Portfolio Manager, Matthew D. Johnson, recorded this special episode of The Optimistic Investor.
What's on their minds this Earth Day? For starters, how energy is generated, how it is stored, and what they think these processes will look like in the future. They also revisit the topic of green hydrogen.
Click here if you'd like to take the quiz mentioned in this episode: https://www.earthday.org/the-clean-energy-quiz/
Please contact InTrack if you'd like to discuss investing in green hydrogen: