The Optimistic Investor
The Optimistic Investor takes the often dry and uncomfortable discussion of money, investing, and retirement planning and makes it palatable, interesting, and relevant. Sponsored by InTrack Investment Management with offices in Burlington and Norwich, Vermont.
Podcasting since 2020 • 16 episodes
The Optimistic Investor
Latest Episodes
Dispelling Investing Myths for Millennials & Gen Z
As a 20-year-old, if you put $3.47 a day into a low-cost index fund and leave it alone to grow until you are 65, you could reach millionaire status.InTrack Portfolio Manager Tyler J. Gardner argues that if you can afford daily lattes, y...
Season 1
Episode 16

What We Can Learn from Alaska
You may have heard the buzzword "longtermism" being used a lot lately, but what does it mean? It is defined as an ethical stance which gives priority to improving the long-term future.Myron R. Sopher, InTrack's Managing Partner, has ret...
Season 1
Episode 15

Water Scarcity & Climate Change
Did you know the Po River, the longest river in Italy, is dropping by as much as 2.7 meters below the 0 gauge, and as a result, more than 100 towns in the region are rationing water?In this episode, Tom Parris, President of ISciences, j...
Season 1
Episode 14

Discussing Decentralized Finance with Mike Taormina
The dollar value of funds being used in the decentralized finance space was less than a billion just two years ago. Now, it's over 200 billion.This is why Mike Taormina, Head of Institutional Business at the Index Cooperative, argues th...
Season 1
Episode 13